Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cowan...........Reece Cowan.


sarasarasara said...

oh my gosh, he is so cute!

sorry i haven't read your blog in a while, but i was scrolling around and saw your prayer request post and it brought tears to my eyes. it was so sweet of you to think of me and my family. i really hope that we can meet one day.

ForresterMom said...

Hi Jaime, thanks for reading my blog. Reece is super cute! would love to chat more and you are welcome to email me at
Does Reece wear a helmet all the time? Will does not and our htc isn't in favor but since we are not on prophy yet sometimes I wonder. Also, How are you all doing with the port? We are still waiting for our big bleed and I go back and forth over getting a port or not. And you should definately check out the website Sara mentioned on the tub surround. It is the best ever! So glad to meet you....

M.Kay said...

Hahaha! Baby Bond.... I mean Cowan ;) Love it!

Reece said...

Hi There, I searched my name on Google and found this blog. Thought it was kind of cool. I have met many Reece's in my life but none spelled the same as mine and especially not the same last name. Who knows maybe we're related somehow. Antways its kinda cool. Take care