Sunday, October 5, 2008

We're Home!!!

Woo Hoo, we're home!! We actually got home yesterday around 1pm, but it's been mass chaos since then. We are so glad to have both our babies back under the same roof! Olivia had a great week at school and staying with my parents. She is such a big girl and we are so proud of her! Here is a quick recap of the last couple of days.
Thur - We were quarantined to our room for half the day because there was a case of BED BUGS across the hall in another room. Oh yes, I forgot to mention this in the Friday update.

To make a very long story short, they had us stay put until all the rooms were thoroughly checked which was TONS of fun with poor Reece still on the IV pump and not allowed to even ride around in his stroller. After a couple of hours they decided it was just in the one room so we were allowed to leave. After a quick stroll and some lunch, he did FINALLY take his one nap for the day in my lap.

Later that afternoon Olivia's teacher, Ms. Kara came to check on us, brought by a goody bag which was SOO sweet.

Fri- After the administration had a chance to chat about the bed bugs they decided to move all of the kids on the 4th floor wing we were in, to a different part of the hospital so they could treat those rooms. SOOO, we were packing up to be moved to PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit). Before the move, they were able to finally remove his IV pump though which was such a sense of freedom! After that, we moved down to floor 2 to a room which was NOT conducive to our needs. Reece thought it was a large candy store of all types of medical supplies and machines which were just at arms reach. We did have to rearrange things to keep him safe. Also the room had an entire wall of glass with a shower curtain to block out the light..which meant bright as day all night long. The good news was that our night nurse spent about an hour doing some serious teaching and even let us do his Fri PM infusion and his Sat AM infusion. After the nurses were satisfied we were ready to go home and do his treatments our discharge papers were issued. We have done two infusions at home now and feel really good about them. We're still trying to get down a good routine and find the best place to do it, but it won't take us long. We go back to the hematologist on Wed. for the needle removal and a check up. After Wed. we will do the whole process of needle stick and infusion. Right now, he still has the needle in and a tube which we connect to (see pics below.) Here is a picture of the nurses cleaning up his sight just before we left.
Thank you to everyone for all the wonderful support and prayers. They really helped all of us through this very stressful and emotional week. We look forward to doing Reece's treatments here at home which will allow him more freedom to be the rambunctious little boys he wants to be.

The Cowan Crew


Arizona said...

Our son is on his 2nd port. The first one quit working after 3 years of sticks and infusions. We got the 2nd one put in soon after the first quit. He's had this one for 4 years, still working.... When this one fails we go to vein pokes. As far as where we do his infusions - after we make our bed we do the prep work and infusion there! It's confortable for him and it's out of the way for everyone else in the family. Good Luck.

Alison H. said...

I am so relieved that all of you are back at home and that everything went well!!
You show amazing strength in all that you have endured for the past year. I can't believe how much Olivia and Reece look alike!!!

Cindy said...

SO glad that you are all home as a family! I bet that was a tough week for all of you. I'm so happy everything was successful!