Saturday, September 6, 2008

2nd Home

For 31 of the last 60 days, I have been at my second home. Primarily row six seat A on Southwest Airlines. Well...........guess who is back in town for a while!! Yea!

As a frequent traveller, you can say that nothing bothers me when it comes to airports, airplanes, delays, rental cars and hotel issues. In fact, due to the amount of time I have spent with these, I have gotten really good at watching (making fun/laughing) at those people who are not as seasoned at travelling. I am always coming home and telling Jaime something funny that happened................except for the fact that I begin laughing so hard trying to tell Jaime that it is hard to get out. Here is an all time favorite from this year:

To set it up, a businessman has just showed up to the gate late for his flight. They have already closed the door to the plane, although it is still in the gate area. The man is making a fool out of himself yelling and screaming at the gate clerk trying to have him re-open the door of the plane. Finally..........with everyone in the gate area watching this play out for 10 minutes, the man marches up to the desk agent:

SW Agent: Sir, how can I help you.
Angry Businessman: You guys have a real problem now. You saw me coming and closed the door to the plane so that I could not get on.
SW Agent: Sir, the door to the plane and gate were closed so that we are able to depart on time for the other passengers aboard.
Angry Businessman: Do you know who I am?
SW Agent: Picking up the intercom........... "Attention travellers in gate 12, we have a passenger who doesn't know who he is. Any help you are able to provide would be greatly appreciated."

With the roar of laughter and the realization that he was making a real fool out of himself, the angry businessman stormed off. As a salesman, I am always trying to take away something from every situation. In this instance, SW proved that it is ok to have one angry customer to be able to please 250 others.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Funny Dave. That teaches him to not be late.