Friday, December 14, 2007

Reagan Update

The vet called late yesterday, and thankfully his biopsy turned up to be non cancerous! We are so relieved. We still do need to have the tumor surgically removed though. He is scheduled to go in first thing Monday morning to have it done! I'm so glad, I don't know if I would handled a different outcome right now with everything else on our plates. I've had Reagan now for 11 years and he truly is my first baby. Here are a few pics of him throughout the years. I don't have any digital of when he was a baby, but here are some from when we first had Olivia.

Pre Kids
Relaxing on HIS Couch
Reagan with Olivia
Reagan and Livi

This think stinks he says :o)
Ride 'em cowgirl!

I know...animal abuse!

He can sleep ANYWHERE

Accessories are a MUST

The Easter Bunny

Last Christmas
Notice the smile on his face
Posing with Livi
Nap time

Reagan with Reece
This Christmas


Carrie said...

I am so glad to hear that everything is ok w/ Reagan. I know your world would have come crashing down on you if something would have happened. I hope everything goes ok w/ the surgery tomorrow. Keep me posted!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THE REAGAN PIX!...especially the one's with he & Olivia!! I am soo glad he made it through the surgery with no problems!!!!
He has got to stick it out a while longer...he's got a Reece to help raise!!!!!!-Alicia