Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jaime, Where Have You Been???

Hi Everyone

I'm very sorry it's been so long since my last post. I think I had gotten a little burned out on the blog for awhile. We've also been running like crazy people this month and every free moment I have (which means no kids around) is spent sleeping or trying to pick up the house before the next wave of storms blows through.

Here is a recap from the last post....

School was out for a couple of days for a "winter break" sure never had that when I was in school. However, we had fun (for awhile) with Miss Priss and enjoying some time together during the week.

Next we went to a B'day party for Olivia's friend Clayton at the gymnastics we use to go to. It was a blast! Olivia wore out the guys who were leading the festivities for the Gym. What a great day though!

Next, which was a bid deal around here, Olivia participated in the first Show-N-Tell in her class last week. For those who know how shy she has always been, this was a big step for her. She took a stuffed puppy (which she calls Mitch) and told her class all about him. Needless to say, she got a Sonic ice cream after school for that. We were so proud of her.

Also, for those who I haven't already spoken to about this, there is a group in Georgetown trying to open a Charter school for Williamson County which I am SOOOO excited about. Here is the website if anyone is curious Imagine International Williamson County . It sounds really exciting and am working on the "Circle of Founding Families" to help get it up and running. We've been collecting signatures from our friends to help show community support (so for those who still owe me.....

Valentines Day was next. What a great day...Olivia gave David, Reece and I some of her stuffed animals "just for the day" as her gift to us. It was so sweet. We also went to Mom and Dad's for a birthday dinner for my Dad.

Then, this past Monday, we had our monthly Girls Night Out at Z Tejas. It was a blast and the food was great. Oh, and the Mojito was EXCELLENT too!!!

Yesterday was our 8th Wedding Anniversary and we celebrated by going to Gumbo's here in Round Rock. Wonderful as always, might I add! I can hardly believe it's been 8 years how time flies!

Today Reece has decided to take a 3 hr nap YEAH for me so I'm catching up on lots! I'll be posting more as we have some exciting stuff happening in the next few days! Stay tuned.....


Lindsay said...

Hey Girl - I'd been wondering where you was good to get an update. Happy anniversary, I'm glad y'all got to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

You will NEVER believe this.!.!.!.(actually, you probably will b/c these kinda things happen to US!)...I had dinner at Gumbo's on TUESDAY night with a friend!!! I had the Santa Fe Tenderloin, and we shared a fantastic bottle of PINO NIOR(sp?)...oh, so FABULOUS! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???????????? Any who...thought you'd get a kick outta that one! Hope we get to catch up soon...I want status, details, etc! LOVE YA, Leesh